We love giving back to our whisky lovers.
This is your chance to win a FREE bottle of Whisky & you get a chance to famous too! Here's how. 1. Place an order on SingleMalt.ph.
2. Included with your order is a " #singlemaltph " postcard.
3. Like our Facebook Page. Follow us on Instagram.
4. Take a picture of your bottle with a unique background and the SingleMalt postcard in the image. Then post it on your Facebook and Instagram with the #singlemaltph.
5. Last step. Email us that image to social@singlemalt.ph
Your image will automatically be included in the quarterly FREE Whisky Bottle promotion. Winners will be announced via Email, so make sure to be on our mailing list (Click Here to Join - .....).
Also, you must be a VIP member to be included in the contest. Your picture may also be included for marketing materials giving photo credit to you!
If you aren't a VIP member yet, please sign up here